Contest Win a pack of products
To participate you must share a photo with your mother and with a Domplex product in comment to the publication of the competition with the hashtag #domplex.
You can participate more than once with different products
Valid for Portugal
The winner will be selected via for image participants only

»You must share a photo with your mother and with the Domplex product in comment to the publication of the competition with the hashtag #domplex.
»You should like the Domplex website is quality and usefulness
»You can mention the Domplex page is quality and usefulness
»You can participate more than once
»Must make the publication public
»Competition valid until the 20th of August 2020, at 11:59 pm
»Valid for mainland Portugal
»The winner receives a basket * of Domplex Products worth € 45.51 with shipping to the participant's home.
»We will contact the winner, in case of not responding within 24 hours we will award the prize to the 2nd place.
Good luck!

* Gift Pack Products

> Domplex 627 cutting board
> G2 Domplex 441/2 salt shaker
> Domplex 400 pop press
> Aplimil 558 Domplex box
> 4 cups D2 pop Domplex 548
> Domplex 432/3 cutlery tray set
> CH Domplex 366/7/8 box set
> Domplex 470 vegetable and fruit display
> Bucket with inner container S.H.Domplex 304

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